Seawall Dental

Dental Technology

Dental Technology in West Vancouver

At Seawall Dental, we utilize technology for enhanced patient care. Digital scanners reduce the time it takes to get a clear image of your teeth, gums, and jawbone, but they also provide more detailed imagery to monitor your oral health.

CBCT Scanner

A CBCT scanner is an advanced X-ray technology similar to a medical CT scanner. It provides 3D images of the teeth, nerve tissue, and areas of the face and neck. These scanners emit much less radiation than traditional X-ray technology and allow for a more accurate diagnosis of dental problems.

Intraoral Scanner

Intraoral scanners are widely used in dentistry and are useful for various dental procedures. They have taken the place of traditional X-ray technology and offer a more detailed scan of the oral cavity. A key benefit of the intraoral scanner is that the 3-D images are created within a few minutes, so your dentist can show you the results and discuss various treatment options with you.

iTero Scanner

The i-Tero scanner is an advanced intraoral scanner that provides highly detailed 3-D scans of the mouth. The scanner is a small wand that is placed inside the mouth and provides a more comfortable imaging option for the patient compared with traditional X-ray technology. It can be used to detect problems within the teeth and gums and is also compatible with Invisalign to provide scans to create aligner trays.

Dental Lasers

Dental lasers are an alternate technology to drills that can be more beneficial for specific dental procedures. They offer more precision than a dental drill and can be used to treat gum disease by reshaping the gum and to treat tooth decay by removing infected areas of the tooth pulp during a root canal. Your dentist will decide which technology is best for your needs.


VELscope technology is routinely used by dentists to detect abnormal cell activity in the mouth during an oral cancer screening. They will also do a visual check for any discoloration of the gum and cheek tissue and will feel the tissues for any abnormalities. If you are over 40 years of age, it is important to visit your dentist for a regular check-up to assess the health of your oral tissues.

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